Monday, May 9, 2011

BEST Mother's Day ever

Yesterday was the best Mother's day ever...I think it even rocked more than my birthday. 

Mike had taken the kids to the Lakehouse Saturday night and brought them home Sunday morning.  I had just decided to take on the day at a luxurious 10:30 am when Lisa burst into the bedroom yelling "Happy Mothers" day.  Maranda followed with a tray of food that she cooked for breakfast.  Lisa gave me a big hug and a kiss and then with her exuberant voice announced "oh no, I'm not giving you my present because then I have to do chores!!"  and ran from the room.  Her present (which I received after dinner) was a card she made in school that included little paper flowers that listed 3 different chores she would do...LOL.

When I finally made my way to the kitchen there were my special pancakes made by Chrissy with help from Thomas.  Once all food was consumed, the kids hung out at the house and gave me a helping hand whenever I needed.  We spent part of the afternoon launching screaming balloons and then chasing them down and getting them out of the trees.  A nice nap came after all the activity.  We then went to the evening mass and had a wonderful steak dinner cooked by Mike followed by a bumpy cake from Sanders for dessert and a present of my favorite gum and coffee drink. really was awesome.  I was just telling someone how Mother's day is traditionally pretty non eventful around here.  It was nice to be proven wrong.

Now, it's a return to the real world.  Time to hit the road today and hang fliers for BLAST and get some raffle items.  Anyone want to join me;)

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