Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Quick Update

We have finally recovered from the excitement of the fundraiser but the last week of school and kids schedules kept us pretty busy...sorry for so few updates on the blog.

Lisa is doing the same, which is to say that aside from the lack of hair, she appears fine. She’s been running around like a “normal” 5 year old. She’s scheduled for a number of scans and such this week so by Friday we’ll have a good idea what’s happening on the inside. There’s a bit of mixed emotions on what we hope to see. If there’s some disease discernible then that’s not all that bad. It means that we can continue to treat and hopefully control it. If there is no trace of it [remission] then we do nothing but hope that it doesn’t get bloom again before the next set of scans which are scheduled every couple months.

We'll try to get back to a regular schedule of  blog updates as we settle into summer.

In the meantime, keep praying!!!  We could use some strength and guidance to understand what to do with scan results once they come back.

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