Sunday, May 19, 2024

11 Years Ago 😥

Eleven years ago on 5/19/13 Lisa left us. As I do every year, I spent this day honoring her and her too-short life. Today was spent just being—sitting on the deck looking at the lake, going on a bike ride, having dinner with family, and enjoying a boat ride with ice cream for dessert.

As the day unwound, I found myself conflicted as I thought about how every day is a gift, and we should not take it for granted; how we should embrace life and live each day fully.

I realized that I often feel that living life fully means I need to be doing something that adds value to the world.  I  measure a day’s worth by how much I accomplish that day. On days when I do "nothing," I'm consumed with guilt, feeling like I've wasted a precious day that Lisa never got. I struggle to recognize that there is value in simply being present and enjoying the moment. It's okay to do "nothing" because rest and reflection are as important as action.

Lisa was spectacular at balancing her love for "doing" with "being." She seemed to understand that both are meaningful and that living fully isn't about what you do but about being in the moment and knowing that’s exactly where you should be.

This child was wise beyond her years. I'm still learning from her as I try to find balance between action and stillness.  I need to value each day based on my presence in it, not by what I  accomplish.

Love You Lisa. Miss You Lisa.

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