Sunday, May 19, 2019

Six Years Today

It has been six years since Lisa left us.  In her honor, I participated in the St. Baldrick Shave-A-Thon today and shaved my head. 

Thank you to everyone who made a donation and came to the event.  The final numbers are still being tallied.  Preliminary numbers estimate that the event raised $84,000+ of which LoveYouLisa fans contributed $2,000+.   Words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you for honoring Lisa and raising funds for research so maybe, one day, others won't have to lose what we all did.

Being surrounded by family, friensds and other warriors makes this day a little more tolerable.  I'm reminded that I'm not alone in my loss and that Lisa made a difference. She provided us with so many life lessons at such a young age, I can't help but wonder what she could have done had she had more time on this earth.  I miss her so much and as I watch my other children grow up and become adults I can't help but mourn all the things we will never see Lisa do.   I imagine what she would be like at 14 and the word incorrigible comes to mind.  That girl would have been calling all the shots and running the household with a sassy little strut and big smile on her face.

After six years, it's still hard to believe she is gone.  Words for thought that I heard from a podcast the other day:  "We survivors don't move on.  We move forward. Life and death are not just moments that we can leave behind.  The people we loved and lost are still present for us.  Not in the way they were before but they are present in our memories and our decision making.  They made us the people we are today.  We don't move on, we move forward with them."

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