Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lisa is doing great

Well....Lisa seems to have sailed right through the chemo last week and we are mid-way thru the "week after" and she still looks good, feels good and is running around.  I'm starting to think chemo is laced with caffeine!

Her limited side effects from the chemo this time give us hope that she can continue on the drugs for a while and that last month was just a fluke caused by some virus.  At this point, all we really have are these drugs because she is responding and the studies that are available are just that...studies.  There is no known success rate  and putting her into one of the studies would mean she would have to discontinue the chemo.  Doc's feeling at this time is that this chemo combination has been effective in the past and scans show that at this point the chemo is keeping cancer at bay so it's in her best interest to keep her on it.  In other words, if it ain't broke don't fix it...unless something comes along that we know will work better or her body starts shutting down from the toxicity level of the chemo we stick with it.

So...while it's not the miracle of a cure or all cancer is gives us the one thing many of us wish we had...more time.  She has been fighting for nearly 3 years now, almost double the 18 mos they originally predicted. I continue to pray that she will just keep going and going like the energizer bunny she appears to be.  She is so remarkable in her wisdom and attitude for such a young age, I can't imagine her succumbing to this horrible disease.  So I continue to pray, keep my fingers crossed and remind myself to breath and be thankful for each truly is a gift.

1 comment:

Jodi Clous said...

I just found your page thanks to Angie!!! I think of you so much, you'd never believe it!! I want to come visit you and give you a break if need be, I'd sit w/ Lisa and hang w/ her either at home or if she is admitted...please call me when you get this msg, we need to catch up! Ask her if she remembers me? Josees mom, ate cucumbers w/ her...??? All MY love!!! Jodi xoxoxo